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5 Odors That Cause Migraines

100k Visitors in the Past Month: Migraine Triggers and Smell Sensitivity

What Triggers Migraines?

Common Odor Triggers

Migraine sufferers commonly report that certain odors can trigger their attacks. These include:

  • Perfume
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Car exhaust
  • Cleaning products
  • Certain foods

Osmophobia and Migraines

What is Osmophobia?

Osmophobia is a sensitivity to smell. It is commonly associated with migraines, with up to 95% of migraine patients reporting some degree of osmophobia.

How Osmophobia Triggers Migraines

The exact cause of migraines is not fully understood, but it is believed that osmophobia may play a role in triggering attacks. When someone with migraine is exposed to a strong or unpleasant odor, it can stimulate the trigeminal nerve, which is involved in headache pain.

How to Manage Odor Triggers

Avoid Triggers

The best way to manage odor triggers is to avoid them as much as possible. This may mean avoiding certain perfumes, cleaning products, or even foods.

Use Odor-Absorbing Products

If you cannot avoid triggers, you can try using odor-absorbing products, such as air purifiers or charcoal filters.

Talk to Your Doctor

If you are struggling to manage your odor triggers, talk to your doctor. They may be able to recommend medications or other treatments that can help.
